Have you ever heard a song and you felt like it was speaking to you? Last night at church I heard a song by an artist that is now at the top of my list...Jimmy
Needham. His song, "A Breath or Two", really spoke to my heart. Here are some of the lyrics:
Another day, another plane, another same thing
Yesterday became tomorrow that's the strange thing
Another string, another strum, another rhyme, another hum
I want to breathe in
I want to breathe in and out again
I'm tired of putting one foot in front of the other
I'm weary of where it leads me to
I'm tired of moving on from my Father
Make me rest my head, take a breath or two
O for a slower pace
Moving at the speed of sound sounds like a race to me
O to be at ease
Moving at the speed of sound gets hard on the knees
These past few weeks feel like I've been in a race with life...I've been crazy busy, and this song just made me think how I need to slow down and breathe in life. I'm running here and there, teaching, grading, taking photos, editing photos, being a wife and mother, and I'm trying to keep my head above water. Believe me, I am very grateful for all that is in my life right now and for all the photography business I have been blessed with. But sometimes, we all need a break! This weekend I've been able to sit back and enjoy - and it's been good for me!
I am looking forward to a long weekend coming up scrapbooking with some of my great friends. I need it!! Who knows...maybe I will just sit and breathe a breath or two!