Monday, September 17, 2007

An evening in the Park

I spent an evening recently in the park, taking photos of my friend Sharon and her husband, Bill. He was such a good sport, especially when his wife made him wear a tattoo (actually, it was a scrapbooking rub-on)!! These are just a few of my favorites!!

Thanks, guys! I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Big Game

Today was the big day - Evan's first football game! He has waited 8 years for this (granted he's only going to be nine in a few months, but...) - football has always been his life. He's been going to watch Purdue since he was a year old - whenever I ask him what he wants to do when he gets older, he says play football. I ask him what he's going to go to college for - he says to play football! (You get my point.) If they would have played a 5th quarter, I think he would have been ready. By the end of the fourth, he was getting more aggressive, going after his guy. He had fun, though, and that's all that matters!

After the game, Easton told him, "Good job, bubba!" - he was so proud of his big brother!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday Night Lights

This year, my nephew, who is a senior, decided he wanted to finish his high school career playing football (he hasn't played since middle school!!). Of course my husband was ecstatic because now we have a reason to sit in the bleachers on Friday nights. I was able to take some great shots prior to the pouring rain (and don't mind the little black dots in the pictures - they are just the swarms of mosquitoes that were on the field!!)

Go lions!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

We had some fun at Lake Michigan on Sunday - Easton and his tiger lollipop and Evan with his smarties (that he doesn't even like!).
It was such a nice day - a great breeze off the water!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Summer Recap

It has been too long since I posted any photos - sorry! I have no new photo shoots to share, so I thought I would highlight some of my favorite pictures from the summer!

Evan's baseball team won the end-of-the-season tournament after a hard fought weekend of games! Here he is with "coach":

My boys having fun at the park (not sure what made Easton laugh so hard!)

This is my favorite baseball picture! And yes, I did the colorizing of this (this is available with any photo shoot for an additional charge).

Here is a great photo of E-man (he's going to be a heartbreaker someday!!) - this one, too, has been Photoshopped...

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to have more photos to share with you soon! (I have been so busy I haven't even taken any of my own kids!)