Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl, pictures, and House

Today was a beautiful day! Our snowman is starting to lose pieces of his face, but he's still standing! Watching the Super Bowl, bummed about the commercials (we will be talking about advertisements later this week in Marketing class and not much to share with my class!), so decided to proof some pictures. These were taken last summer when Matt and I visited Nashville. They have one of the largest Farmer's Markets I have ever seen:

...makes me anxious for summer! By this time in Indiana, we are ready for anything besides snow!

Can't wait until the new episode of "House" after the big game - I wish all my favorite shows would come back on the air with new episodes! I have nothing to watch on TiVo!

Looks like my Giants just might pull it off! Go Eli!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Go Giants!!

Two posts in less than 10 minutes - have to shout out a "Go Giants" for the Super Bowl tomorrow - I have been a Giants fan forever, and although it's a long shot, I really hope Eli and the boys give the Patriots a run for their money!

I'm Here!

Okay, so I haven't held up to my blogging "resolution" for 2008 - I have been so busy this year, especially with school!

I took the pictures at our Winter Ball - here's Kyle with Leslie (our favorite babysitter!!):

We celebrated Easton's "3rd" birthday - all he wanted was an orange cake (thanks, Grandma!!): ...and today, the boys and I built a snowman!

I was in Madison, WI, earlier this week for a careers conference - it was -43 degrees with the wind chill Tuesday night! My boys enjoyed two snow/cold days this week (just 2 more we have to make up in June, now!). This week, I will be going with the freshman class skiing - I've lived in Indiana my entire life and have never skiied! Should be interesting, to say the least!
We have so much going on right now, and it doesn't look to slow down anytime soon! My DECA students are preparing for state (21 students will be competing) in the hopes of qualifying for Nationals...Spring Break is just around the corner (hope to head to Myrtle Beach)...and Evan signed up for Little League today. It's going to be summer before we know it!
Hope you are staying warm!