Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I've been tagged!

I think Dawn knows I have been slacking in my blogging, and thus has tagged me. So, here it goes:
I have to name 6 Random Holiday things about myself.
1- When we were little, we always got to open a gift on Christmas Eve...it only took me 20 years to realize we ALWAYS got pajamas!
2- One of my favorite holiday traditions is that my mom gives each of us an ornament every year...it was something my Great Grandma used to do, too! When the boys are old enough to leave my house, they will have enough ornaments to decorate two trees!
3- Every year for Christmas on the Muffley side, we would have shrimp cocktail and ham sandwiches...and Grandpa always put butter on the buns first.
4- It wasn't Christmas until the smoke detector went off at Grandma Huff's house!
5- My favorite gift growing up was the Cabbage Patch kids my mom waited in line for hours to buy!
6- I hate real Christmas trees.

So, there you have it! Thanks, Dawn, for making me actually blog!

In other news, Matt is having his tonsils removed tomorrow - hope the recovery is quick! There's nothing I hate more than a sick man (or should I say taking care of one).

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